Francis Sabado

Francis Sabado

Software Engineer. Researcher. Scientist.

[email protected]

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Work Experience

  • Sandia National Laboratories: Albuquerque, NM
    Senior Software Engineer, R&D Computer Science
    Jan 2018 – Present

    • Senior Software Engineer, R&D Computer Science.

  • University of Arkansas: Fayetteville, AR
    Graduate Research Assistant
    August 2012 – December 2017

    • Designed digital circuits and systems for ultra-low power design, extreme temperatures, hardware security, asynchronous logic, and 3D ICs.
    • Developed software tools for designing asynchronous circuits and 3D circuits.
    • Research Lab System Administrator (2014 – 2017)

  • Hewlett-Packard: Houston, TX
    Software Engineer Intern, Tools and Automation Team
    June 2015 – August 2015

    • Provided support and maintenance for the Storage Automation Tool (SAT), a critical infrastructure tool used by 6 internal HP teams. (Perl, HTML, JavaScript)
    • Incorporated build configurations for Jenkins, CI system, to automatically build and test all SAT applications. Increased developer productivity by automatically handling the building and testing process.
    • Developed and deployed a password reset web application to support 65,0000 HP Inc. employees. (, C#, HTML, JavaScript, Active Directory, IIS)

  • University of Arkansas: Fayetteville, AR
    Undergraduate Researcher
    January 2011 – May 2012

    • Research Fellowship: Analysis of Digital Circuits under Extreme Temperatures
    • Android Development: SmartDrive – Cloud Enabled Mobile System for Safe Driving
    • Angry Prims: Interfacing with the Virtual World via Microsoft Kinect and SecondLife


  • PhD Computer Engineering
    University of Arkansas
    December 2017
    GPA: 4.00

    Awards: Doctoral Academy Fellowship

  • M.S. Computer Engineering
    University of Arkansas
    Dec 2015
    GPA: 4.00

    • Graduate: System Level Design, Integrated Circuit Design, Hardware Security, Low Power System Design, VLSI Design

  • B.S. Computer Engineering (Highest Distinction)
    Minor: Mathematics
    University of Arkansas
    May 2012
    GPA: 3.95

    Awards: Dean's List, Chancellor's List, Governor's Scholarship, Chancellor's Scholarship (2008-2012)
    • Undergraduate: Software Engineering, Embedded Systems, Mobile System Programming, AI

Conference Publications

  • • Di, Jia & Bell, Brent & Bouillon, William & Brady, John & Le, Thao & Lo, Chien-Wei & Men, Liang & Nelson, Spencer & Sabado, Francis & Suchanek, Andrew. (2017). Recent Advances in Low Power Asynchronous Circuit Design. Journal of Low Power Electronics. 13. 280-297. 10.1166/jolpe.2017.1494.

    • Habimana J., Sabado, F., and Jia Di, "Multi-Threshold Dual-spacer Dual-rail Delay-insensitive Logic: An Improved IC Design Methodology for Side Channel Attack Mitigation". IEEE International Symposium on Circuits & Systems 2016. 11 August 2016

    • Caley, L., Chien-Wei Lo, Sabado, F., Jia Di, "A comparative analysis of 3D-IC partitioning schemes for asynchronous circuits," IC Design & Technology (ICICDT), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, pp.1,4, 28-30 May 2014

    • Sabado F. and Jia Di, “Comparison of Asynchronous and Synchronous Digital Circuits under Extreme Temperatures.” State Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF). May 2011

Technical Reports

  • • Francis Sabado. "Asynchronous 3D (Async3D): Design Methodology and Analysis of 3D Asynchronous Circuits". Theses and Dissertations. Dec. 2017

    • Francis Sabado. “3D IC Integration,” Technical Report. University of Arkansas, Dec. 2015

    • Francis Sabado. “Asynchronous Fused Floating Point Complex Multiplier,” Technical Report, University of Arkansas, April 2015.

My Address

Jersey City, New Jersey 07302

Contact Info

[email protected]

About Me

Senior Software Engineer@Amazon

Francis Sabado © 2023